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Perrior Makeup & Beauty Salon
Fit Out
The first of three fabulous new Makeup stores set for Brisbane CBD
Jayne opened her new exciting venture in Newstead with the assistance of Shopfitting Brisbane, this tenancy includes a hair wash area, cutting stations, makeup areas fitted with LED light mirrors, spray tan room and kitchenette for the staff.
The project took 2 weeks to complete and is the first of 3 planned outlets within the Brisbane CBD area.
Shopfitting Brisbane undertook the design and construction of the fit-out works. Jayne had a comprehensive list of finishes and furniture which Shopfitting Brisbane included within the main design creating the overall look and feel in keeping with Jayne's vision for her new venture.
Perrior Makeup & Beauty Bar
Newstead - Brisbane

hairdresser shop fit out Qld
Welcoming entrance and waiting area for a new hair and make up salon

hairdresser shop fit out external
Exterior of new hairdressing fit out for Brisbane CBD

hairdresser shop fit out brisbane
Main reception area leading into the salon. LED lighting at each station and clean sleek lines of black & stone in the Brisbane salon

hairdresser shop fit out brisbane Q
Simplistic neat design for the Hairdressing and makeup salon ft out.

hairdresser shop fit out exterior
Exterior of new hairdressing fit out for Brisbane CBD - side angle
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